Living Water Christian Mission

News For July 11, 2012

The New Bus is Unloaded

The New Bus is Unloaded

Progress in Spite of Challenges

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to you in His name!

The enemy has not taken a break. In fact, he is attacking in more vicious ways. So pray for me and my family in particular.

The construction on the White Mountain church building is moving forward. The workers have been working on the roof since Monday. I hope to send some pictures in my next posting, Lord willing. At White Mountain there is a Saturday morning prayer meeting every week. Last meeting they had 17 attend. Next week, we will have a door to door evangelistic campaign and the week after we will have the crusade. So pray, pray for the success of these activities. May more come to know HIM!

The Present Look of the Back of the Clinic

The Present Look of the Back of the Clinic

The new bus arrived last weekend. The goodies were unloaded the same day. Some are already being used. We praise God for all those who send goodies to us. We thank all of you who have generously given time, money and gifts to make this shipment a success. Thanks so much.

The progress continues on the health clinic. The stuccoing of the inside is completed. They are now working on the inside. The first step on the well is completed. We now need to do the plumbing (pipes) and have power on the site to make the well functioning.

The Well of the Clinic is Dug

The Well of the Clinic is Dug

Last weekend I was at the church in Marmelade. The church is progressing really well. It is a joy to see the beginning of the transformation in many people. They have been very grateful for the school. I had a meeting with the people in the area, they have asked for a school building. They want us to have a kindergarten for them. The area does not have anything beyond 6th grade and they also ask to have a middle-school that would go unto high school. Praise God for the progress;  pray for the ministry, for Ezechiel and his wife Josiane. Last Sunday they had over 150 people in worship. Great progress!

We thank all of you for your faithful support and we continue to beg you for your prayers.

In Christ,
Salonique Adolphe

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