Living Water Christian Mission

News For November 22, 2013

Students Heading to their Classes after Recess

Students Heading to their Classes after Recess

One Step at a time

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to all of you in the name of Jesus!

I am writing from the home of a friend of mine in Springfield, Illinois. Yesterday was cold and rainy. Today we have a cloudy sky. It is a complete silence around here, except for the technological noise. It is wonderful. 

One of my blessings is that God has provided people who make things go forward at Living Water during my absence. I don’t have to be there. I am grateful to God for these men and women. Some of the names are Pierre-Edouard Fevrier, Gracia Adolphe, Caceus Joseph, Abraham Pierre, and Gerimilla Zamor. These people make the school go forward. Today we have a relatively big school. It was not always that way. It happens one step at a time.

Ruben Lozin Praising God as the Lead Singer

Ruben Lozin Praising God as the Lead Singer

The church is doing well and the ministers are busy doing His work. Today we are looking at leaving the present place of worship, which is the school building, to move into a new building hopefully next year. I look forward to this event. The whole congregation is looking forward to it as well. There was a time when we were just talking about the construction of the transitional church building. Today we are laying block, thanks to our supporters, donors, brother Jude Lozin and his team. The progress is happening again one step at a time.

Church Building Construction Moviing Forward

Church Building Construction Moviing Forward

Watching Ruben Lozin praising God with all His might reminds me that this young man was not long ago a little boy. He has grown much, in this case I have to say one day at a time. I hope we have all grown. We have all become mature, especially in our faith in Christ.

In Him,

Salonique and Team

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