Living Water Christian Mission

News For November 10, 2014

The East Side of White Mountain Church

The East Side of White Mountain Church

Not 85% of the time

Dear brothers and sisters,

I pray that this news finds all of you doing very well.

Brother Ken Boatright and the mission team of CFM planned a meeting after the Saturday night worship service with whomever wanted to participate. We had over 20 people in the meeting. After a Spirit-filled time together we were chatting. Our conversation was about God’s faithfulness, His power and the like. It was in the middle of the conversation that brother Jack, a giant both physically and spiritually, said “Not 85% of the time!”

Yesterday White Mountain Worshipped Under New Roof

Yesterday White Mountain Worshipped Under New Roof

Scientists are not always right yet people still put their trust in them. In fact Scientists have a better following in most Western cultures than God. Scientists and technology are not always reliable yet people rely heavily on them. I guess people are satisfied by the fact that they have a high rating, but not 100% rating. God, Our Mighty God, does not just have a high rating, He is always on the mark with a 100% rating. 

He provides for our needs, and not just some of the time Nooooooo!!! He provides all the time, 100% of the time for our needs. We may not always feel that way but it is true. 

When the roof of White Mountain Church was blown away by a strong wind there were a lot of questions from the people. We had the building for two years and we have not even been able to complete it. “Now things are worse because the wind took away our roof” they were saying. Well God responded through His daughters and sons in Alaska and they provided another roof. Today, less thank a month after the wind storm, they are back worshiping under a beautiful and safer roof. 

Comforted Believers Finished to Worship Under a Brand New Roof

Comforted Believers Finished to Worship Under a Brand New Roof

God protects us all the time. I like to watch body guards. Seriously! I do. Whenever I see body guards my mind is going 100 miles an hour to imagine all the weaknesses that bad guys could easily exploit to shame the body guards and kill whoever they were trying to protect. It is even much more serious when I know that there are not just physical attacks. There are also spiritual attacks that the poor body guards would not even have the smallest clue about. I guess they are still used them because they have a favorable rating, like 85% (maybe??). 

What about our God? His rating is 100%. When He watches over us nothing can happen to us without His direct approval. Skeptics are saying, “Yeah right!” I would buy the 100% rating if Christians never died, or never died tragically. They may have a point, but what they may not know is that God may use our death for His glory and for a greater victory. One thing is true, our all powerful God is always with us and will always have a 100% victory over the enemy. 

The Sunday School class of the Childre of White Mountain

The Sunday School class of the Childre of White Mountain

I praise God because there were no human casualties when the roof of White Mountain was blown away. It is hard for me to grasp how that could be possible, but God did it. Our God provides for our needs. Our God protects us daily. So I thank God for all His provisions and for all His protection.

Join us now in prayer for the construction of the Fred Green Elementary and High school. We may have more than $17,000 now for it, but that is the number I am sure of. We need $100,000 USD. Please join us in giving toward this project. Currently the kids there don’t even have a classroom for Sunday School The new school will provide several classrooms for a quality Christian Education and classrooms they will use for Sunday School. The new school will inevitably result in both the spiritual and physical growth of the church.

The Transitional Building in Progress

The Transitional Building in Progress

We will soon head to the International Conference On Missions (ICOM). I hope to see you there at booth 1208/1210. 

Humbly Yours,

Salonique Adolphe and team

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