Living Water Christian Mission

News For September 1, 2017

The Majority of the Children of White Mountain

No One Else

Dear Brothers and sisters,

Greetings to you in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am writing from the home of one of my Haitian friends in Florida, having in mind the millions of people in Texas who are affected by the Hurricane Harvey. This lethal and devastating hurricane reminds me too much of what took place in Gonaives in 2004, 2008 and in the Southern peninsula of Haiti last year. I am encouraged though to see the response of the people: Christians and non-Christians alike who show compassion for others. In times like this we should turn our eyes on no one else but Jesus for comfort, guidance, and solutions to some of the most important problems, problems that go beyond shelter, food, and physical safety.

The last few weeks of our ministry have not been easy. We have received some of the fiercest attacks from the enemy using some of his physical and spiritual agents. It is rather encouraging to be able to talk about it, which means that the enemy has failed to have his way. This happened because of no one else: Jesus. Can you imagine three near-accidents in one day, including actually a fourth one that threatened the lives of two of our major teammates? One person is still suffering from that fourth accident. But if it had not been for Jesus, both would have been dead.

Last year we had a great school year. We had 100% success in government tests for both 6th and 9th grades. We still have the same possibility open for 13th grade because the few who did not pass the government test were qualified to retake the test they did not pass. They did so last week, so we are looking at a possible success rate between 80% and 100% in 13th grade as well. Great year! We had a feeling that this was going to happen.

Many people worked to make that possible. James Hansee’s initiative to have members of Whitewater Crossing, and other people, sponsor more children last year made it possible for us to pay our faculty and staff better salaries and on time. My friends John and Jean Mitchell helped us with a language lab and contributed big time. We saw some of the highest scores in English in the history of our school. My friend Gary Hinkle is part of the equation as well. Everyone who sponsored a child, supported the feeding program or supported Living Water at large is part of the success. We have been in a cloud for a few weeks now since the results came in. Yet bear in mind we praise no one else except Jesus. We thank all of you who have let yourselves be used by HIM.

The untold attacks of the enemy, in both the physical and the unseen world, may have as one of their objectives to obstruct our vision of some of the great things the Lord is doing — things no one else could have done. Allow me to name a few:

  • Best results on the government tests in the school history. At the same time having one of our students in the short list of the best students of the nation for his section.
  • The radio station is in the air blessing the soul of thousands everyday.
  • A lot of kids are building more and more a close relationship with Jesus at such early age.
  • Many young people are engaging more and more in the service of the Lord
  • A new school is about to open in a village which was under complete control of demonic forces.
  • A new Church is about to open in the same village.
  • A brand new building, erected in the same village, to serve the poor and those who have been in bondage of voodoo for so long.
  • The entrance of new members into the Kingdom of God.

Jesus did it all and no one else.

As you are praising Jesus with us for doing these things, remember to praise Him for some great blessings he lavishly recently poured on three of my friends. These friends are John and Helen Meyer, Vaugelas and Hermite Pierre and Wesler and Hermione Cherilus. Each have reasons to praise HIM. Each have been the object of things that no one else could have done for them. Please continue to pray for them all for more miraculous intervention from the Lord.

  • Remember please to pray for Living Water at large for new sponsors as we are facing another challenging year.
  • Pray for the completion of the school and church building at Highland.
  • Pray for great victories for Living Water — victories that only Jesus can give. We count on your continuous partnership.

Yours and His,
Salonique Adolphe and team

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