Living Water Christian Mission

News For May 7, 2009

Thirteen were baptized last Sunday

Thirteen were baptized last Sunday

Rejoice with us!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to all of you in the name of Our Great Lord, Savior and Our God: Jesus!

Have you ever been in a place where there is a corner called “Lost and Found”? Yeah! One such place is a convention center. But the other most famous place is Church. This is a very good place to have a corner called “Lost and Found”. In fact, it should not be just a corner. It should be the whole Church. Don’t you agree?

Back wall of the first and second school building

Back wall of the first and second school building

Well, while I was thinking about this e-mail I happened to see a Church where they announced that they were going to get rid of the stuff that has been in that corner for a long time (that is my paraphrase). That is the logical thing to do when nobody claims the items. I know every member of the Church is someone who was lost but was found at one time or another. The difference is the person who found us is our maker and our owner.

In Luke 15, we find three successive stories about lost and found: the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost (or prodigal) son. In all three cases it is the owner who finds the items. In all three cases the owner rejoices and calls on others to party with them because of their find.

Front side of the first and second school building

Front side of the first and second school building

I cannot in any way, shape or form claim the new baptized believers as mine because they are not mine. But I can tell you today that our Daddy has found them. The angels in heaven with Him have been partying for a while now. We, at Living Water in Gonaives and Marmelade, have joined them here on earth in rejoicing.

I am telling you this so that you can join the joyous band of believers who are rejoicing over the 13 people who left Voodoo and who have been baptized into Christ. Rejoice with us!

Also, join us in rejoicing because the laying of the block for the second floor of the second school building has been completed. And not only that, last night one family donated the funds needed to put the roof on. Tell me this is not rejoicing news. My friends, rejoice with us.

Child's dedication

Child’s dedication

Last Sunday the Lord was visible both in the worship service in Marmelade and in Gonaives. In Marmelade they had 89 and in Gonaives they had 481. In Gonaives Luc Bradley (6 months old) was dedicated to Christ. Luc’s parents came from a family who were deep in voodoo before they came to Christ. Luc has now been offered to God the Creator instead if the voodoo gods. That is also a reason to rejoice. Wouldn’t it be fun if 20 years from now Luc becomes a preacher and preached the gospel to the people of Souvenance (the bastion of voodoo where his parents are from)? Let us pray for that.

There is even more rejoicing news: Living Water Christian School won the first place for best elementary school in our district. Tomorrow there will be a ceremony to give us an award. The principal, brother Pierre Edouard Fevrier, who is shooting ball on our dirt court in the last picture, will be at the ceremony to receive the award. When I was talking on the phone with the principal this evening, I could hear the satisfaction in the voice of the principal. Isn’t that something to rejoice about? So friends, let us join our voices together to praise God for this.

Principal shooting basketball on dirt court

Principal shooting basketball on dirt court

I thank everyone who sponsors a child. I thank all of you who support RBK (Rice and Beans for Kids), I thank everyone who supports the efforts of Living Water as a whole. You are making a difference in Haiti. You have a reason to rejoice with us.

Please make all the things above a reason to praise God for what he has done for us. I am also asking you to pray that we can find 7,000 USD to complete a basketball court for the kids. It would be a huge treat to the students of the school, especially in a time when they still cannot have access to the soccer field which still has 3 feet of mud left by the flood.

Brothers and sisters I love you all.

Yours because of Calvary,


“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.” … “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the fundation of this temple, his hands will also complete it.” (Zech 4:6, 9)

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