Living Water Christian Mission

News For January 1, 2015

Last Baby Born at the Clinic for 2014

Last Baby Born at the Clinic for 2014

What a Year!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to you in the name of Him Who is the First and the Last!

We hope you had a truly Merry Christmas and now we wish you a happy new year!

What a year! All I can say is that if I am still in the game, and if Living Water is still around, and it is, God had to win a lot of battles. In many, many of them, I was not helpful for sure. So all the honor and glory be unto Our mighty King who reigns for ever and ever. Amen!

Last Group Photo of Some of the Church Leaders for 2014

Last Group Photo of Some of the Church Leaders for 2014

What a year! We experienced many losses. We lost many members and church leaders to Brazil, Chile, Ecuador and other countries. They moved away to find better paying jobs so they can provide for their families. Many of them were young men whose parents convinced them that moving is the best thing for them to do if they love their families. We lost a few women as well. We lost several giants. One of whom is my American dad Fred Joseph Green. 

What a year! We experienced God’s loving-kindness more than ever before. We have seen God’s All Powerful hands providing for our needs, and they were many. He sent us new partners in the gospel.  I enjoyed some of the best moments of my life with some of them during my last trip to the USA. Brother Jeryld of Indiana, brother Britt and brother Mitchel of Iowa ministered to me in amazing ways and I thank God for them. 

Last Sunday Worship Service of the Year

Last Sunday Worship Service of the Year

Here we have seen amazing spiritual growth in some of our former witchdoctors. That shows unequivocally the amazing transforming power of the gospel. 

We have been blessed beyond words by what God is doing through our small Bible College. Thanks to Doug Delp, Brian Sevits, Chad Summa, Daniel Petit-Frere, Lucma Adolphe and many others who invested themselves in those young ministers of the gospel. 

We also discovered that while the enemy is changing his schemes against us, Our God remains the ONLY All KNOWING GOD, and therefore cannot be taken by surprise. We also enjoy having Jeana Clocksin as one of our blessings. 

What a year! God has blessed many people thru the health clinic this year. They now enjoy good health thru the services we have offered: general check ups, eye care, dental care, etc. This past Sunday we welcomed our last baby born at the clinic for 2014. It was a boy. We celebrate with Jackson, our childrens minister, and his wife for this a wonderful gift from God. Jackson is happy to be a new dad.

What a year! There were untold challenges, but our leaders did not surrender. Some of us stayed long enough after church last Sunday for a group photo that I have included. 

Last Trees Planted for the Year

Last Trees Planted for the Year

What a year! There were ups and downs as a church. The amazing thing is that God found ways to always frustrate the enemies. Last Sunday, brother Abel said there were over 800 in service. It was a challenge for those who attended. They constantly tried to get away from the hot sun because we had the service outside. We had only one service and we will do the same again this coming Sunday. 

What a year! It was a year of progress. Progress on the transitional church building. Progress on the farm project. Progress on the Fred Green Elementary School of White Mountain. Progress in Marmelade. Progress on the school buildings here and progress on new emerging leaders from the youth group. 

One thing we were able to do the last week of 2014 was plant more fruit trees. We planted a lot of mango trees, coconut trees and citrus trees. Many thanks to IDES who provided the funds. We were advised to plant bigger trees instead of smaller ones, so we did. The project took a while to complete. We were working on it since the first quarter of the year. In the next three to five years we will not only have a greener landscape, but a lot more fruit trees to bless families in the church and in the community. More trees, especially fruit trees, is one of the top needs of Haiti. May the Lord bless IDES and her leadership for their commitment in helping Haiti in a holistic manner. 

Thanks to all of you who gave to help us through another year of impacting young souls at the school. Together we were able to feed them, educate them and provide good health care to them. Together we inspired them to dream big, because they’ve come to know of the Big GOD! Some of them, like Rose Ancie, surrendered their lives to the Big GOD. 

Thanks for making it possible to evangelize people not just in Gonaives, Marmelade and White Mountain, but in many other cities and villages where we didn’t even plant a church yet. Thanks! Oh many thanks for all your prayers. We are very grateful to God for all of you who pray for us. There is no way we could have done what we are doing here without your prayers. It would be impossible. 

Finally,  thanks to all of you who came to visit us during this year. May God bless you all.

What a year! Praise be to our God and Savior Jesus for every second of it.

Yours and His!

Salonique Adolphe and Team

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