Living Water Christian Mission

News For January 28, 2012

Dr. M. Lockwood and his Translators Elie (L) and Jonathan (R) at Work

Dr. M. Lockwood and his Translators Elie (L) and Jonathan (R) at Work

Blessings!!! (Part II)

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to you in His name!

My heart is filled with lots of joy this evening in spite of the efforts of the enemy to kill it. As I am writing, all the framing, the iron work, the electrical and plumbing needed before pouring the concrete on the roof of the clinic is done. In fact, if Manno was not out of the city last night, today we would have the concrete roof poured. Jude is not happy because his target date was missed. He wanted to pour the concrete roof today. Well, I am happy just knowing that all the ducks are in a row ready for the roof to be poured Monday morning, Lord willing. That is a huge blessing.

RN Edie Serving at Living Water

RN Edie Serving at Living Water

It is a blessing to have our brothers and sisters from Iowa and Missouri with us. Dr. Lockwood, RN Edie and Dr. Dan saw patients from Tuesday afternoon till this afternoon. They worked the whole day. They did not know for sure which medicines to bring, but the team members bought medicine for about 1,500 dollars so they not only saw the patients, but they also provided the medicines that they were needed. That is a tremendous blessing!

Thanks to all of you for praying and giving toward the health clinic. Our dream to have the health clinic in operation is closer every single day. Isn’t that wonderful? Thanks to God for you. You are a blessing! Jude (constructor) is really a huge blessing for Living Water. Pray for him and his family. He is a great man of God. We need many more like him.

In Christ,


Dr. Daniel Serving Baby and Mom

Dr. Daniel Serving Baby and Mom

Main Entrance of the Health Clinic

Main Entrance of the Health Clinic

Roofing of the Health Clinic in Progress

Roofing of the Health Clinic in Progress

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