Moving Toward a Better Future
Dear Partners,
Greetings to you in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
A month ago this coming Monday my American daddy, my spiritual father, my mentor and very good friend passed away. We can safely say for him “Mission accomplished”. However our journey should be continued. Things are certainly not the same for me now. Yet the cry should be for us to confidently move toward a better future with Christ. That movement calls us to pray for more harvesters in the harvest field.
Last Sunday, Sept. 21, my famous brother Lucma was ordained into full time ministry. He has said yes. Brother James Hansee, Bill and his Jennifer were there for the occasion. It was a very special service and the spirit of God was leading it. Praise be to Him.
With God’s help we are moving toward a better future. We need many more Bible-believing, Spirit-filled, servant-minded, well educated/trained men and women to continue the work. First Christian Church of Memphis, under the leadership of Jack and Stephanie Sumption, teaming up with Whitewater Crossing Christian Church, under the leadership of David Vaughn, James and Diana Hansee and many others have made it possible for us today to have Luke as one of those men. We need other churches, friends and individuals to join that effort.
As we are moving with confidence in Christ towards a better future, one of the decisions that we have taken is finding ways to generate more local funds to sustain the growth of the ministry. This led us to acquire over 60 acres of farm property where we will grow crops to feed people and fund a portion of the ministry. We rejoiced at seeing the impact of the August and September rain on the crops. They look encouragingly very good. Just imagine what we can do with a fenced property and a commercial well to pump water to irrigate the land. They have very heath peanut, watermelon and okra crops at the present. Please pray for the success of this effort. As I travel through the cities and villages of Haiti during school year my favorite picture is seeing kids going to school. In some cases they invade the streets from 6:30 in the morning. They fill the streets like colonies of aunts heading to different schools to get an education. Every time I see this I also see hope. I also see a better future because I strongly believe among them are the ones who are going to stand to deliver the land. Knowing this we at Living Water embark in the boat of educating a few girls and boys, young women and young men and now adult women and adult men with our adult program. This year God sent us about 1,100 students to educate in our two schools. About 200 of those are young adults in late 20’s and adults in their 40’s even 50’s. Educating those souls assure us as a ministry and as a country that we are moving, again with Christ, toward a better future. We thank all our partners who make possible the education of those people. When you educate one person in Haiti you are impacting positively many people beyond just family. That is why we strongly stress education. I have seen the impact on my immediate family and others. I have seen the impact that some of our graduates already have on their family and others. We want to multiply the impact until we saturate the land with a Christ-centered education. Brothers and sisters, let us together with the risen Lord move toward a better future not just at Living Water, but throughout Haiti and the rest of the world.Yours with a heart full of gratitude,
Salonique Adolphe and Team