Living Water Christian Mission

News For February 3, 2018

PreSchoolers are Showing their Dancing Skills

With Jesus…!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to you in the name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

A whole month of 2018 has already said “Goodbye.” The shortest month of the year has already seen two days slipping away from it. A third one is hasting toward its end. That is absolutely true. Yet, it is not too late, I believe, to wish you all “Happy New Year!” I pray blessings on all of you, your family and your ministry and/or work.

I challenge everyone of you to make it a priority to bring one person this year into a relationship with Jesus. Pray for at least one person to choose to follow Jesus everyday of his/her life. Then and only then Jesus’ promise: “I am with you always even to the end of the age” will be for the person who chooses to be a witness for Him.

With Jesus we are safe even in the midst of danger. With Jesus we can dream big, very big. With Jesus all projects in line with his will shall come to fruition. With Jesus victory over sin and daily challenges will be ours. With Jesus nothing is impossible!

Last year we saw the hands of the Lord on a daily basis. He has done wonders for us and has frustrated the enemy’s plan. He has exposed the limits of the enemy in a humbling way. But we know the enemy will not quit so we should not quit as well relying on Jesus for everything. The advantage that we have is that He promised that He will be with us.

In my last newsletter to you all I listed several things that we needed in urgency. On the top of the list was a generator to sustain the campus of the school while waiting for the bigger one and the solar arrays to be fixed. Praise God and thanks to the generosity of the people and the good stewardship of our staff here, we were able to buy one for $11500, which has been serving for about one month already. We agreed to add the 1500 dollars because with that money we have 33% more power than we would have otherwise.

Another good news is that A Child Hope International, together with Whitewater Christian Church, have donated food for Highland School for a year. We are supposed to receive the food this month. I thank God for Bill and Jennifer Wagner, brother James Hansee and all the leadership of Whitewater for making this possible. So we may be able to start feeding Highland by next month, depending on when the food arrives. Now we will need about 1500 dollars a month for energy, salaries and for the whole cooking staff. We also need to purchase other goods we will need to fix the food.

We are still working on the wells. As I am writing the team is working. Pray. We did another well for the University Campus, plenty of water there. Highland has water now, but the process of the well is not completed yet. There is cleaning and pump installation and so on to be done.

We still need food for Marmelade feeding program to start. Please pray for that.

Concerning the solution of the salaries issue, I pray that many people will choose to sponsor a child on our website so that we can have sufficient funds for salaries and other much needed tools for the continuity of our job to educate the not so fortunate.

We are still looking for people who will want to partner with us to add spaces to the clinic for hospitalization. It is a way to be more useful for Christ in the community.

We are making baby steps toward the orphanage. Please pray that we find people who would match a 50,000 dollar grant toward the orphanage. One church has already send 5000 to match it. We need more people to join us generously so the orphanage can be a reality.

With Jesus our mountains will be flattened. In my next newsletter I hope to share with you some of our biggest challenges for 2018. With Jesus they will all be overcome.

Attached is a cluster of photos that give you a microscopic glimpse of what is taking place at Living Water. We have had great end of the year activities and wonderful worship services. We had two medical teams in January providing care to over 1500 people. Both teams came from OK under the leadership of my friends Cody McDaniels and Dan Barrick. Our beloved sister Bonnie Furniss, a member of the Board of Directors for Living Water, is here teaching sewing to the ladies. They are having a blast. We also had several members of On His Path coming to spend some time with us. The visit was short, but sweet and encouraging. I was blessed by them. Highland is doing very well. They had 124 in service last Sunday and we had 8 baptisms 8 days ago today. This morning we had two young ladies who have decided to follow Jesus and have surrendered to Jesus in the water of baptism. These baptisms were attended by Jeff and Valerie (IL) and James and DeAnna Hansee (OH). With Jesus, we are moving in the right direction.

Tomorrow we pray that you will join us in Spirit as we are celebrating fifteen years existence of Living Water Christian Church. We remember those whose sweat irrigated the plants, whose hands build the buildings, whose preaching and teaching fostered spiritual growth in our people. We remember those who generously contributed to make Living Water what she is today. Thanks to you all. With Jesus tomorrow will be better and grander.

Yours in Christ,
Salonique Adolphe and Team

P.S. I hope I don’t take that long to send another update anymore. So sorry. Blessings to you all.

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