Living Water Christian Mission

News For April 8, 2020

Dr. Dan Taking Care of Patient

Critical Times

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to you in the name of Our Great God and Savior : JESUS!

These times are very critical times. The world is experiencing days that we don’t know how and when they will end. But we must say with the author of the hymn, “We know who holds tomorrow and we know who holds our hands.” That should be enough for us!

Here at Living Water, we are very concerned for all of our friends, our supporters, and our missionaries who are all over the States. We are concerned for all those thousands of people and their friends, and their relatives, and their countrymen who are dear to Living Water. We pray for you all. We pray for the world at large and for the United States of America in particular. We ask Our Lord to cover Haiti with HIS wings. For we cannot handle, even for one week, the devastation of Covid-19.

Covid-19 has changed everything. Every single individual in the world in one way or another is affected. People have lost loved ones, jobs, businesses, investments, and the list goes on. This virus is certainly scary. We are praying that a solution might be found as soon as possible. In the meantime, we will follow the recommendations of our health authorities. We will pray to God to stop the progression of the virus. We will pray to God to give us victory over our fear; to keep us focused on the mountain mover and not on the mountain. We pray that we all realize that we are neighbors no matter where we are on the planet.

The president of Haiti called for a self-quarantine for everyone 18 days ago. But as people, who know and understand life in Haiti, might have expected, the people cannot follow such strict confinement because we live on a day to day basis. So in spite of the government order, the people still pile on in the open air market as well as the other markets. The only institutions who are forced to follow the order of the government are churches and schools. So we have not had classes for three weeks. It is a terrible year for education in Haiti.

Haiti, we are told, has 21 cases. We don’t know of any death. We praise God because we haven’t register any deaths. We pray for the healing of all those who are sick.

In these terrible days Christians of all stripes have turned to Radio Eau de Vie as their source of teaching, preaching, uplifting messages, and good music to bless their souls. We have worship services and Bible studies geared toward encouraging the people to keep their eyes on Jesus in these terrible days. People are very grateful to God for the Radio Station. All of you who made it possible, thank you. All the believers whose roots are growing deeper in the Lord because of the radio are grateful to you as well.

The clinic continues to serve more and more people on a daily basis, especially in a time when people are very afraid of catching the virus or any other bacteria. Dr. Dan and his team have built a solid reputation in the community, which leads more and more people to come to Living Water Community Health Clinic for their care. We are forced to increase our staff so we can be ready to serve the amount of people coming to us. Many have been surprised to know that God does answer prayer. Where meds did not help, prayer did. Many also turn their lives to Jesus. We praise God for this ministry.

Having the school children at home and not being able to assemble together on Sunday is very challenging. We partially solved the worshiping together through the radio and Facebook, but as for the school, we have no solution. So the kids are home eating like locusts and causing parents more headaches. They themselves want to be in school. So we pray this can be over soon where life can be back to normal.

Living Water Christian Mission and I thank everyone who has made it possible for us to feed so many people. We continue to help feed a few more, but in a more selective way. May God bless you as we continue to partner together.

The construction of the orphanage continues in spite of challenges. We have not been working in a week because of a shortage of cement. We are glad the foundation is complete. It has taken a long time both because Jude continues to strive to build the safest possible building and the troubles (political et al) we have had during the process have been the root causes.

We will continue to pray for you. Please continue to pray for us. Please let us continue to work together to impact Haiti for Christ.

Yours and HIS,

Salonique Adolphe and Team

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