I will be with you!
Greetings to all of you in Jesus’ name!
Happy 4th of July to all my American friends! I still remember that great night I spent years ago with my friends Bob and Diane Dishman on a 4th of July. Great event! Praise God for freedom fighters and for freedom!
On June 14th, which was my wife’s birthday, my sister and friend Sandra Cobb Green shared a post on Facebook posted by Inspiring Bible Quotes. It reads as follows, “The deepest level of worship is praising God through the pain, thanking God through the trials, trusting Him when we’re tempted to lose hope, and loving Him, even when He seems distant.” It was exactly what I needed to read or hear that day. It has not left me since.
Jesus was around when Herod jailed and later killed John the Baptist. You are John the Baptist or one of his beloved disciples, what do you do? Giving praise to God while tears running down through your cheeks or showing disappointment with God by making foolish statements? Or shall we remember that He did not promise there will not be jail, pain, cancer, disappointment, or humble circumstances? Shall we remember daily that His promise was He will be with us through water or fire, or any other earthly challenge? My friends, we can trust HIM! He is worthy of our trust! Therefore, in every circumstance, give HIM thanks! Praise Him! Others do not have to understand, nor accept your action of giving praise in tough times.
I have to say that ministering in Haiti these days has become more and more difficult. It is almost impossible to go through a day without hearing heartbreaking news. A killing. A kidnapping. An earthquake. A flood. An untimely death because of the absence (or lack) of care. A broken relationship. A malfunctioning banking system. A falling away. And my friends, the list goes on. There is no need to let oneself be buried under those challenges. No! There is the need to sing instead “How great thou art,” and there the need to keep hearing constantly the soft or the loud voice of God saying, “I am with you!”
There is a terrible epidemic going through Haiti at this time. Besides the resurgence of Cholera, there is a terrible fever, with terrible muscular pain, cold, and cough. I was under it for almost three weeks. Many people have been its victims. Several children died from it. I was not alone.
We are marching toward the completion of the school year. It was a very difficult school year. Highland would not have classes this year if it were not for an incredible staff and teachers. They could not use the highway because of daily cases of kidnapping and more. They’ve walked through terrible roads, taken moped to make it to Highland. It has cost us way more, but thank God we made it through. God has been with us.
Marmelade has had a much better story, even though they were affected too by what has been going on in Haiti for too long. They had a wonderful thanksgiving service to praise God for having been there for them.
Despite all the troubles we have had, the University has completed a semester and is having Summer classes at the present. The seminary students had a door to door evangelism campaign. 22 people ranging from 14 years old to 60 plus years old surrendered to the Lord. One of them took the initiative to plant a church there with the promise of help from the others.
We continue to serve God’s people through every one of our entities. We continue to impact the community for the Lord, but not without major challenges. Through all of those challenges, God shows us that He is with us. He is with you too! Open your eyes to see Him and your ears to hear Him.
I want to thank those of you who have contributed to the 20 for 20 projects, Please continue to do so. Thanks to those of you who have contributed toward the 100,000 dollars to fense the university property, which is 80 acres. We need 95,000 USD now for the project. Help us to move forward with the projects. We will win Haiti for Christ!
Yours in Christ,
Salonique Adolphe and team