Living Water Christian Mission

News For June 18, 2024

People in the Church in Marmelade in Worship

Looking Forward Together!

Dear brothers and sisters,

Greetings to you in the name of Our Lord, Jesus!

Living Water family and I want to thank all our partners: Individuals, families, businesses, organizations, and churches. Because of your partnership some are surrendering their lives to Christ. Others are growing deeper in Christ. The gospel is being spread near and far. Children and young adults are being educated. Sick people are receiving compassionate care. Families’ needs are being met. More and more trusted and godly citizens are available to service their communities, and their nation. Together we are touching irreversibly for the best, in the name of Christ, tens of thousands daily. We glorify Our God because of your generosity, your prayers, and your encouragement. Thank you for making our team a winning team for the glory of Christ.

Several of those who champion the cause of Living Water through the years have recently been called home. God has put an end to their earthly mission. As I am writing this, I can think of Larry Simmerman, Joe Wilson, my birth dad, Pierre Jules, and Judy Hinkle. All of them were fervent supporters of Living Water. We express our deepest condolences to the families and friends affected by their departure. We also request your prayers for the different families who are going through this tough period of time. We know those people are with Christ, but selfishly, we want them to continue to be with us.

Since we sent out our last newsletter three primary positive things took place. First, the airport of Port-au-Prince progressively resumed its services. Second, a few American and Kenyan soldiers are on the ground preparing for the future arrival of the Kenyan force who will have the mission to restore peace and order in the country. Third, nearly a week ago, a duly sworn in new government was set in place. However, the gangs, the kidnappers, and all the bandits seem not aware of that because they confidently continue to do business as usual. In the meantime, hunger is escalating everywhere in Haiti and all the peaceful, law abiding citizens inclusively are affected by it.

God continues to bless Living Water and fosters progress despite the various aspects of our challenges. Last April Marmelade celebrated their 15th anniversary. Mixt Institution Fred J. Green has had a wonderful school year and anticipates that their attendance might at least double next fall. All the four colleges of the University and our vocational schools are doing a commendable job with their students. The students are not shy in expressing their satisfaction. God is proving to many of them that He is The All-powerful Yahweh.

Medjina, a Nursing student, came to us from Port-au-Prince. Her parents are originally from Gonaives. Medjina was one of those young Christians who questioned God’s existence after beginning her college carrier. One day, she became blind during a class. After a few questions, we realized that Medjina’s situation is a demonic attack. We went to prayer. Several of her friends attended the prayer meeting. After spending a time in worship and prayer, we cast out the demons by the power of Jesus Christ. Medjina was happy to recover her sight. She and the other students were also in awe of the power of God. Students surrendered their lives to Christ and others recommitted their lives to Jesus. It was an efficient way to teach not only God’s existence but also His power over demons.

The health clinic continues to serve the community. People continue to surrender their lives to Jesus through the ministry of Dr. Dan. Nehemiah, one of the orphans, is now walking and he is not quite 10 months old yet. He is a very smart and tough little boy. We love him.

Brothers and sisters, Living Water Christian Mission needs additional classrooms both at Mixt Institution of Fred Joseph Green and at Caribbean Christian University, including desk chairs. We need to finish the construction project of the Church at Marotte. We need peace in the land. Please pray for all of those things and consider giving toward those needs because meeting those needs will result in many more people being influenced and transformed by Jesus.

May God bless you all as we continue to serve together His people in Haiti!

In Christ,

Salonique Adolphe and team

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