Living Water Christian Mission

News For December 04, 2008

Ready to pull the bus out of the mud

Ready to pull the bus out of the mud

Living Water Happenings

Dear supporters and friends,

It’s very windy here. Very windy indeed. This is a bad situation due to the state of the city’s environment. There is much more dust in the air and consequently in every home there are little girls or little boys with a cold, runny nose and cough or fever. If the situation continues like this, I don’t know what we will have to do as a city. Pray for us.

Despite the terrible state of the city with mud and mold, we have much to thank God for here. I want to say a word of thanks to all of you who have prayed for my wife and me to have a good trip and we did. My wife was sure that everything she packed would arrive in Haiti. I did not think so, or at least I thought we would have to pay for extra baggage, but we did not. Everything made it somehow. So, she has been putting smiles on many faces with her treasures. Our children, Living Water folks and others are happy because of what we brought for them.

Bus stuck in former school soccer field

Bus stuck in former school soccer field

All our children are doing well, but Eunice has a cold. She coughs a lot, especially at night. The boys are doing fine.

There are many things taking place here:

(1) We are adding a second story on the generator’s house for the new generator. We will purchase it no later than tomorrow, unless God has another plan.

(2) The bus was finally pulled out of the mud three months after Hurricanes Hanna and Ike washed it away in the flood. It cost us quite a bit to get it moved. But the bus is so important and the Churches, the school and the community suffered so much because we were not able to use it for all that period of time. We have several mechanics working on it. I am sure it will cost quite a lot for parts and labor, but it is worth it. This bus is a blessing not just to the people of the Church, but also to people in the area where we work.

Pulling the bus out of the mud

Pulling the bus out of the mud

(3) The preparation work is underway so a concrete roof can be poured on the cafeteria by mid-December. Many people are waiting for the cafeteria like dry ground longs for water. The cafeteria will help the kids in the school, their parents, the employees and some of the people in the neighborhood. We hope that the iron workers will resume their work this weekend.

Today a crew from Living Water is in Port-au-Prince. They are there for training so they can operate a photocopier that we bought for the school. We used the money that you, beloved supporters and friends, have sent so that we can provide this very important piece of equipement for the school. It will make the job of the teachers easier. It will provide study aids for the students. It will be a huge blessing for the Church and community activities to foster development. Micah, Murielle and Rosemond are the three who have just completed the training an hour ago according to our phone conversation. The copier will be transported with the generator tomorrow.

Boss Eddy making a list for bus repairs

Boss Eddy making a list for bus repairs

The priorities for the next couple of months will be:

  1. Completion of the generator’s house and the installation of the generator
  2. Completion of the cafeteria to feed the children here
  3. Working on the second floor of the second school building
  4. Resuming the effort to provide driking water to the community


Praise God with us for the two families who provided the money for the generator and pray for God to provide funds so that we can continue to impact this community.

Because He lives,

Adding a story to the generator house

Adding a story to the generator house

Salonique Adolphe

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord Almighty.” … “The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the fundation of this temple, his hands will also complete it.” (Zech 4:6, 9)

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